Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I know this is the first post, and you're probably expecting something amazing or at least mildly funny. But I've got zip just now. So instead, I'm just gonna be honest.

 I'm kind of tired of summer.

Yes, I know that's blasphemy. I know how we all longed for these days when we were cooped up inside our stuffy, dusty little classrooms. I know I dreamed of shouldering my way through a hallway of filing cabinets and broken desks, boldly pushing through those dented metal doors at the end of the hall, and charging headlong into sunshine and sky and whatever adventures the next 50-odd days might hold.

I know how vibrant, how lush and vivid these days seemed when it was February and Christmas was over but it wasn't spring yet and there was nothing to do but WAIT. Wait for the days to get a little longer, the nights a little warmer, the trees a little greener until finally Glory! Hallelujah! Stand back, ladies and gentlemen! The peep frogs are singing and the first lightning bug has been spotted!

But it's not like I thought it'd be.

I pictured myself fly fishing a robust river in southwest Virginia.

But I can't get a babysitter...

I wanted to visit the battlefield at Gettysburg since reading a lot about it this winter, and maybe better understand the tragedy that unfolded there.

But it's really hot... and I bet it's really crowded in July...

I was going to draft a plan for overhauling the environmental trail at school, and work on a new strategy for teaching writing, and the plans for the field trip, and research integrating yoga into my classroom as a disciplinary aid and maybe use it for my professional goal this year.

But there are reruns of "Frasier" on... and it's a free HBO weekend...

So I suppose I've succumbed to the lazy days of summer. It could be worse.

I could be teaching summer school.


1 comment:

  1. Summer should be about taking time to recharge your body and brain! Slow down and pick one or two topics from your to do list and you can call it a successful summer.
